Our Approach to GDPR

What Is GDPR?

GDPR is a new set of rules governing the privacy and security of personal data belonging to EU residents. The new protection act will make significant changes to privacy laws and will replace the outdated Data Protection Directive from 1995. The goal of GDPR is to protect all European Union residents from privacy and data breaches. It mandates higher standards for how companies can use personal data. Under GDPR, EU residents will have more control, transparency, and safety over how their information is collected and used.

So, What Does This Mean For You?

GDPR has profound implications for companies like GES, which manage events, exhibitions, and shows attended by EU residents. If you handle any data about EU attendees, prospects or customers, your work is impacted by GDPR.

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How Is GES Preparing For GDPR?

With the passage of GDPR, a global team of GES employees has been actively updating internal processes.

Highlights Of GES’ Activities Taken For GDPR:

Reviewing processes to ensure data security

Updating our privacy policies on how we use customer data

Working with our Show Organizers to ensure proper agreements are in place

Training our employees on GDPR and the proper handling of data

Updating our global consent-to-market subscription centers


Security Practices And Protections

North American Data Protection Amendment

Sign the Data Protection Amendment and return to gdpr-dpa@ges.com

Download​ current GDPR statement

Download​ past GDPR statement